Finally it seems as if there is a trend towards home gardening - green at its best! After all, done right, you and yours get the benefits in many, many ways. You'll end up with fresh food on the table. Chances are you'll spoil yourselves with the smell of the veggies taken right from the garden to the sink and cutting board and then the table. There is nothing quite like a homegrown tomato. Unless it is part of the full spectrum of freshness you'll be treating yourselves to regularly!
A Song Inspired by Home Grown Tomatoes
A Song Inspired by Home Grown Tomatoes
You will deserve this and so much more for you'll have your daily exercise keeping that garden looking great. Along with it will be sunshine - the vitamin we all need some of to keep chuggin' along!
Of course you know our nursery is open and we have loads of plants from which to choose. We can talk gardens and gardening all day long, well, till the cows come home as we say out here in the country, land of the rich black soil!
Should you be considering adding shade trees stop on by and let us help you pick out what will enhance your yard. Why, we'll bring the trees you select and plant them for you. Here's an idea: schedule the planting when you schedule your 5 step lawn service.
No doubt you've been wondering where we disappeared to for a couple of months. Well, the truth is Santa wore us out with that "workshop" he had us staffing. We were up to our elf hats in customers wanting trees, greens, wreaths, you know - all the trimmings. So after we were done we took a little R & R because everyone said we should. We're back in great form, ready to go, and as you see below WE ARE HIRING!
We hope you're off to a great springtime. There have been a couple of false starts but a good authority tells us that bright days are not too far off. Put the heavy clothes in storage and start trying on your spring and summer outfits! Be sure to include checking out your outdoor wear - the overalls, tee shirts, garden gloves and hats! (This one's from Yard Lover.) Then, there are the clogs, the mucs, the boots - all needing to be cleaned off because it didn't get done over the winter. Do your tool inventory and gear up for playing in the dirt a bit. We'll tackle your big jobs but we know inside everyone of you there's a kid wanting to make a mud pie or plant annuals.
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