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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Water - Part of Prairie View

Certainly tis true enough we have seen plenty of water on the prairie fields these past weeks. The rain interrupted other forces of nature. In turn we had a multitude of starts and stops, launching the gardening and landscaping season countless times! At last it appears to be in full swing; just look around you and see for yourself. Irises have been spectacular, lilacs were lush and if the flourish shown in the greenery of day lilies and hostas is any sign of what is to come we are going to enjoy a full palette of color for weeks to come. Get past the cicadas and the extra mowing and it's a beautiful world!

Still, we do live on the flatlands of the midwest and there truly is nothing plainer than the plains. It's up to us to take what is before us (front yards) or in some cases, behind us (back yards) and, well, dress it up a bit. Using imagination to enhance your yard really displays your appreciation for it.

One of our clients chose a natural and dramatic way of diluting the would-be monotony. They put in a pondless fountain. Well, actually, we put it in after they explained what they wanted and how it was to look. Of course it was to look fabulous!

Above you see a long shot, full view of the landscape after our work was finished. True, it was lovely before, with the arch and trees and plantings. And, true, we had a lovely area in which to place the fountain.

  At the end of the day our clients can relax and enjoy the view beyond the porch. There's an ever-flowing fountain creating a waterfall effect both visually and audibly. Here, look at the close up.

We're guessing you'll be able to imagine the sound of the water gently cascading downward. What you don't see is the inner workings which return the water back to the top. It's an easy to care for and easy to maintain system.

What remains is to add some plants which will make the transition from the yard to the fountain smoother and abundant. Then there's nothing left to do but sit back and work on the oooh! and ahhh! factors!

Maybe there's a room needing a view at your home or business. We'll love hearing what you want to do next!

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